text: Ice Cream Factory
October 07, 2023

I hope you like autumnal menu items, because we're chock-a-block like Plymouth Rock.

You like Fall ice cream flavors? We have Pumpkin Pie and Harvest Apple -- both uniquely distinct and yet equally delicious.

We also have Walnut Coffee Cake Sundaes ( thanks to My Sweet Gluttony ) and S'more Sundaes, which are always freshly toasted and irresistible. To resist it is useless; it is useless to resist it.

Hours of
Sunday 12pm - 9pm
Monday 12pm - 9pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12pm - 9pm
Thursday 12pm - 9pm
Friday 12pm - 10pm
Saturday 12pm - 10pm
4369 Main Street
Philadelphia, PA
Currently playing on

Rare's 1994 title Battletoads is an arcade follow-up to the well-loved console Battletoads games. Players assume the role of one of three humanoid toads and trek through a cartoonishly violent side scrolling beat-em-up landscape.