text: Ice Cream Factory
January 06, 2024

A few months ago, we ended a long-term relationship with our waffle iron. We spent a lot of effort trying to repair the situation, but as time went on it became clear that we both needed a clean break.

For a long time, were weren't sure that we'd ever feel a spark like that again. Well, we'd like to introduce our NEW waffle iron. Now we can finally answer the question Cher famously posed in 1998:

Yes, we DO believe in life after love.

Hours of
Sunday 12pm - 9pm
Monday 12pm - 9pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12pm - 9pm
Thursday 12pm - 9pm
Friday 12pm - 10pm
Saturday 12pm - 10pm
4369 Main Street
Philadelphia, PA
Currently playing on
Super Contra

Konami's 1988 title Super Contra is a fast-paced run and gun game. As the sequel to the original Contra, players once again assume the roles of commandos Bill Rizer and Lance Bean. Gun upgrades can now be collected twice to enhance their firepower, which comes in handy against the relentless alien horde you'll have to face.